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Our School

Carl Sandburg Middle School

We are excited to share our school pride with you. We welcome the opportunity to provide more information about our school and a learning environment that matches the District 15 mission:
To produce world-class learners by building a connected learning community.

Welcome to the 2024-25 school year!

Welcome to Carl Sandburg!

Ensuring Excellence and Equity for All Students—Carl Sandburg Middle School, in partnership with the students, parents, and the community, is committed to providing students with a world-class educational experience that maximizes their academic achievement and fosters feelings of confidence, leadership, and self-worth.

CSMS Wildcats One of Us

Students’ educational and social needs are best addressed by a staff that celebrates ownership and welcomes the partnership of all aspects of the building and its educational program, and whose combined talents and knowledge are committed toward a shared vision of the future.

Thank you for your interest in Carl Sandburg Middle School in Rolling Meadows! We are excited to share our school pride with you. As recognized by the US Department of Education as a Blue Ribbon School of Educational Excellence, the Carl Sandburg mission is Ensuring Excellence and Equity for All Students. In partnership with our students, parents and community, we are committed to providing a world-class educational experience that maximizes academic achievement and fosters self-confidence and leadership for all of our learners.

You will be impressed with the attitude and dedication of the Carl Sandburg staff as they provide our students with exceptional educational and extracurricular programs. We take pride in our students and their academic achievements. We create opportunities for students to continue their journey to college and career readiness. Our school day integrates the Common Core State Standards with the technological and social skills that are needed to be ahead of the competition in today’s world.

Promoting respect and character education are embedded into our daily systems at Carl Sandburg Middle School. Again in 2016, our school was recognized at the “Platinum” level by the Midwest PBIS Network for the academic and behavioral supports we have in place for our students. Only 41 schools across our state have earned this prestigious recognition. We can proudly report that nine of the other schools at this highest status are also schools in Community Consolidated School District 15.

Our Parent Teacher Student Association is highly supportive of our goals. I recommend that you link to this CSMS PTSA website for information on how to join and work together for the success of our students.

We welcome the opportunity to provide more information about our school and a learning environment that matches the District 15 mission: To produce world-class learners by building a connected learning community. Please call us at (847) 963-7800 with questions or to arrange a visit.

We're now a middle school!

In this section:

Erika Johansen, Carl Sandburg Middle School Principal

Erika Johansen

Carl Sanburg Middle School Principal

Contact Us


Have a question about Carl Sandburg Middle School? We are here to help and to answer any questions you might have. We look forward to hearing from you.
Is this a bullying or safety concern? If yes, please use the D15 Tip Line to report your issue or concern.
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